7 Ways Yoga Will Dramatically Improve Your Life


It is time to unwind… it is World Meditation Day! Yoga is more than just another trendy fitness routine touted by celebrities. It dates back thousands of years where it started in India circa 3000 B.C. Yoga began as a way to create a balance between the mind, body, and soul. As time went on, though, it proved to be a powerful healer of many diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure and helped reduce chronic pain caused by illness or injury.

These seemingly endless benefits are what have brought yoga to the forefront of the world of health and wellness. If you’re new to yoga, or you have an inkling to get started you might not know all the ways that yoga can dramatically improve your life, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here are 7 ways that yoga will make a positive, noticeable difference in your life.

Increased Flexibility
This might be one of the most obvious benefits of yoga, but increased flexibility can aid your overall health. The longer you do yoga the more you will find yourself getting into poses you thought were impossible. Better muscle flexibility doesn’t just mean having bragging rights; it means that you will also relieve yourself of chronic pain and joint problems.

More Energy and Vitality
Ditch the coffee and energy drinks. All you need is a good yoga routine. By including a regular yoga practice to your day-to-day life you will become more energized and have more vitality to get you through the day. The relaxing, engaged movements that yoga involves improves oxygen flow, focus, and stamina.

Reduce Your Risk of Injury
Whether you’re a dancer, runner, or soccer player, yoga can be a great addition to your overall fitness regimen because it can drastically reduce your risk of being injured. Having more flexibility in your hips and joints means that you’ll be able to move better.

Increased Strength
Having lean, toned muscles does more than just keep you looking young and trim. Your muscles help to protect you from things like arthritis and chronic back and joint pain. Now, you can build muscle a ton of other ways, but no other exercise balances your muscles strength and flexibility the way yoga does.

Strengthens Your Bones
Yoga has been proven to increase bone health in a number of studies. One unpublished study conducted by California State University, for instance, showed that practicing yoga regularly increased bone density in vertebrae. It’s also been shown to increase bone strength in the arms. This is great news when it comes to preventing osteoporosis.

Boosts Your Mood
A study at the University of Wisconsin showed that regular yoga practice created a significant increase in the brain’s serotonin levels while simultaneously lowering the amount of monoamine oxide and cortisol, two things that aid in stress.

Relaxes Your Body
When you do yoga you are forced to slow down and tune into your body and higher consciousness. When you take slow, deep breaths and move your body methodically you are creating an overall sense of peace and relaxation.

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