Make Up your Mind to Indulge Now


31st December 2017 will be the last day of the year as well as Make Up Your Mind Day. You might have been postponing to make up your mind on certain things throughout the year but make up your mind day is the only chance you have to make those decisions. Decide on how you want to live your life in the coming New Year. Had you forgotten yourself during the hustles and bustles of 2017? Do not let the same thing happen to you in the New Year, make up your mind to take care of yourself and treat yourself as you deserve. Decide to make 2018 your year; the year that you will look and dress your best. The following are some of the things you can decide to indulge yourself into as you try to focus on yourself in 2018:


Do you want a happy and relaxed body in the New Year? Make up your mind to start exercising regularly.  Working out helps get rid of stress and keeps your body in good shape and healthy as well. If you are overweight, decide to work out to lose weight in the coming year.

Morning meditation

Meditating for few minutes in the morning will help to clear your mind in preparation for the busy day awaiting you. This would be a perfect routine for the New Year since it helps in keeping stress levels managed. Before you start preparing for your day, pause for some few minutes and think about how you are faring and keep yourself motivated

Eat healthy

A healthy body, mind, and soul start with proper nutrition. Eating is fun and you might want to indulge but be careful about what you fuel into your body. A proper diet will help to keep your body in shape. Over consuming calories will make you overweight.

Take care of your skin

Your skin will need extra attention from you for it to be more clear and healthy. You can start this by knowing your skin type for you to get the right beauty products for you.

No matter your skin type, a daily skin care routine will help you maintain your overall skin health and also help you get rid of concerns such as acne and blemishes.  Observe the facial routine of cleansing, scrubbing, masking and moisturizing. Do not forget to put on sunscreen to protect you from the sun. Let the New Year be the year that your skin starts to glow.


Take care of your feet

Most people forget to take care of their feet.  Your feet need attention too as much as your face need makeup. Neglecting your feet will give you cracked heels calluses and other foot problems. Make up your mind to exfoliate your feet often to get rid of the dead skin. Get your feet a foot cream to keep them from drying or cracking. Do not allow yourself the risk of athlete’s foot in another year; keep your feet dry.

Nail care is important too as you take care of your feet. Cut the nails short since long nails will act as the multiplying zone for the fungus that can cause athlete’s foot or any other foot problem. A pedicure once in a while will be a good treat to keep you going through the New Year.

Take care of your hair

Decide not to have a dull hairstyle anymore. There is no justification for not having your hair looking great every other day. In most cases, the manner you treat your hair reflects on the kind of person you are. Now that you are planning to focus on your overall wellness, why not take care of your hair too.  This will start with your diet. To keep your natural hair healthy, you will need to increase protein and zinc in your diet. Shampoo your hair often and also trim split ends to keep your hair clean and strong.

However, do not shampoo your hair too often as it will leave it dried out from its natural oils.

Adopt relaxation techniques

The best way to relieve stress is by trying to relax your body.  Most might think that relaxation is only good for the mind not knowing it helps in managing stress levels of a body.  As much as you are praying for a smooth new year, expect some ups and downs. Adopting relaxation techniques will help you cope with any stress that might come your way. Stress can lead to serious complications such as heart disease. Decide to start a yoga training class. Yoga is good for you mentally, spiritually and physically. Deep breaths can help you relax too. A massage maybe once in a while would be good too.

Lose Weight

You have spent the whole of this year feeling uncomfortable because of your weight. Now is the time to decide to start working on your weight.  Being overweight might lower your self-esteem and make you feel like you are not beautiful. Make up your mind to make yourself feel beautiful by cutting some weight

To lose weight, you will have to watch your diet. Reducing your calorie intake will make your weight loss journey much easier. Working out is necessary too.


Happy New Year! Happy New YOU!


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