Nail Designs for Fall


History of Nail design

Ancient Civilizations Nail Design

Nail design and decoration started from the times of ancient civilizations. The ancient Indians and Chinese civilizations were masters of this art, and many of the techniques nail specialists practice today come directly from those times. In fact studies have shown that even in the pre-historic ages, men and women were expressing themselves by decorating their own bodies. They used to paint their nails and make different tattoos on their body using Henna. Keep in mind we are referring to the Bronze Age so that’s a really long time ago.

Later on, during 1500 B.C, in countries such as Egypt or Mesopotamia, nail color gained an incredible importance. People were using colors to differentiate between different social classes. Sometimes a tribe would have its own nail color, and people would directly recognize each other from where they belonged. In Egypt, nail color usually expressed the power of a certain individual. This was also the case in latter civilizations such as the Aztecs or the Incas. They used some special elements to create a mixture similar  to the nail polish, and used their nail colors to classify their social classes.

This art was only stopped during the Dark Ages, where the people in power back then pushed an ideology that was totally against beautification. Death, fear and censorship could be found everywhere, but still nail art somehow survived.

1900s Nail Design

Then in 1920, Michelle Menard, invented the manicure. The theme back then was heavily towards red and pink colors. As years went by, people started to experiment with their designs and express themselves more and more. Other colors started to take their place and basically a revolution started. Another important invention took place in 1934, when a dentist created the first fake nail. He certainly didn’t know what kind of impact his invention would have during the latter years.

Keeping your nails healthy

Today nail designs are really important. They are one of the first things that a person will notice on you, so you need to take good care of them at all times. Your hands should be clean and healthy at all times. Nails are very delicate, so be very gentle with them. Trim them regularly and set aside some time each two or three weeks to clip them. Lastly, keep in mind that nails are made of protein, the same material which hair is made of. In order to keep them healthy you need a protein-rich diet.

Nail design importance

Lots of people today like to express themselves using nail design. Young and teenage girls especially like to visit different stores and explore different designs. You can feel the success and importance these designs have by looking at how busy design shops are. If you take a quick glance at the different designs, you will also understand that there exists a big variety of them, and they are not limited to simplistic paints only.

You can also tell a lot about a female by their nail design and especially their feet. A well-treated feet means that she cares a lot about her legs, and you can be sure she also cares about the rest of her body. The contrary is true as well, and if her feet are not good-looking and nasty, don’t expect the rest of her body to be well-maintained.  Especially during the summer, a nice pedicure on the feet of a woman can totally change her look and make her look very nice.


Types of nail designs

There are many different types of nail designs nowadays and below we take a look at them. Since summer time is almost over we will cover some nail designs for fall.

  1. Brush Painting

This kind of technique is becoming really popular so we decided to put it in the list of nail designs for fall. There are many different types of brushes that you can use, so it’s up to you. But keep in mind this technique needs a bit of practice or painting experience. The beauty of it is that you can totally express yourself and create an unique look.

  1. Sponge Bobbing

This technique, which is relatively new includes using different kind of sponges such as art sponge or a makeup sponge. You apply the base coat, and you wait a bit until it is dried up. After that you take your sponge of choice with some nail polish and create your own design. Most of the colors used in nail designs for fall are dark shades so you should keep that in mind.

  1. Nail Art Stickers

Another cool technique to decor your nails includes the use of nail art stickers. You don’t need to spend much energy in this case and there are lots and lots of stickers to choose from.  Just make sure to place them properly on your nails or it may look bad. These have become really popular these days and are one of the main nail designs for fall.

  1. Digital World Nail Art

For those of you who don’t know nowadays we have some digital machines who can create nail designs for us. You can mostly see them in beauty salons as they cost quite a lot. The whole process is automated, so your nails will get the design you want really fast. You can input your own designs and print them or you can even take it a step further and print a photograph of your choice in your nails.

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