Tips from Healthcare Workers Who Overcome the Pandemic


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world learns to adapt such as minimizing beauty and grooming on-location services. Indulge Now values the importance of keeping our service providers and indulgence seekers safe and healthy.  Maintaining that delicate balance of service and responsibility is a challenge that we are always ready take on. Safety precautions are key to building confidence and trust especially when the services are more personal and intimate. This blog gives some insight from healthcare workers who overcome the pandemic.


Our frontline fighters have shown the world that they are the stars when it comes to resilience. They know when it comes to staying healthy and keeping safe. As a way to honor their strength and courage, we asked for their stories. Our daily heroes share their experiences and helpful tips on how to navigate the pandemic. These first-hand advices will serve as a guide as you take your hairstyling, beauty or grooming services on the road, with that confidence on your shoulders.


Interview with a Medical Doctor

Dr. Marlo Angelo Zanoria

A Medical Doctor at Einstein Hospital in Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Marlo Zanoria


Can you share the challenges you faced in the pandemic at your work? Then, how was this challenge addressed or alleviated?

One of the biggest challenges is that we as healthcare workers are consistently exposing ourselves to COVID every day. As much as possible, we treat everyone as infectious. So definitely, wearing masks, washing our hands, and maintaining appropriate distance help us. I have been taking care of COVID positive patients for 7 months already, and I’ve been fortunate enough to not have caught it by observing those things.

The most difficult thing we face, I think would be the emotional burden that comes with the pandemic. While majority of patients have mild symptoms, those we see in the hospitals are the more severe cases. I have seen people recover, and I have seen them deteriorate and pass away. And that weighs heavy on our minds. Patients are suffering. And family members can’t even be with the patients because we have to limit exposure to other people. This one is harder to overcome as it is in a healthcare professional’s nature to care and to feel for their patients. Getting emotional support from loved ones, from colleagues, even from family members who thank us for caring for the patients do help.


What precautions you took to make sure that you were safe such as any sanitization or disinfecting process you practice especially when you go back home from work?

To keep myself safe, I wear masks everywhere I go. I wash my hands or use sanitizer frequently especially between patients. I make sure to maintain proper distance. If I must approach someone like a patient, I would make sure that I slowed down my breathing, that I was directing my face at an angle to the patient, and that I would keep the encounter brief. When I go home, the first thing is that I do is to take a bath.

Do you believe it is important to get vaccinated? If so, why is it important?

It is vitally important to get vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccine adds another layer of protection to us. And like every other vaccine out there, the idea is that it protects you from infection. By protecting yourself, you are also in effect protecting those around you.



Interview with a Post Anesthesia Care Unit Nurse


Lynn Martinez-Velappan

A Post Anesthesia Care Unit PACU Nurse at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD

 Lynn is one of the frontline workers, who have experienced and faced the challenges in the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, she works at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD.


Can you share the challenges you faced in the pandemic at your work especially in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)? Then, how did your facility address these challenges?

There are lots of challenges that the health care providers are facing.

Managing an Influx of Patients in Need of Intensive Care Unit

One of the main challenges is our ability to manage very sick people who need assistance from Intensive Care Unit in a given time. That is why the Federal government needs to help in the distribution of the ventilators, the equipment needed to help patients undergoing breathing problems. In our hospital, our strategy was stopping non-emergency surgery to prevent influx of patients.


Shortages in the Nurses & Healthcare Personnel Staffing

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, our hospital has always faced with staffing issues. During the pandemic, the healthcare workers are stressed in dealing the spike of the patients. To exacerbate the situation, a lot of hospitals are losing money because doctors could no longer do surgery. These surgical procedures and operations can help fund the hospital. That is why hospitals need some Federal Fund support.


What precautions that you or your hospital took to make sure that you were safe?

In addition to the personnel staffing issues, there were shortages of the personal protective equipment PPE. Our hospital experienced a limited supply of the gowns and n95 masks. The healthcare workers should dispose these PPEs every time after they are used. In order to help this issue, the healthcare workers in our hospital try to keep or use PPE for a day. Our hospital invented a washable reusable isolation gown. Also, there were a lot of changes in terms of taking care of patients’ protocols. Since the nature of the Coronavirus illness is by respiratory mode of transmission, every room that the patients will stay need to be in negative pressure.



Are there significant changes, if you get vaccinated?

Vaccine will not change our practices. COVID-19 vaccine provides an assurance or protection when exposed to the virus. If you get the disease, the vaccine boosts your body’s immune system to fight the virus. The vaccine will help avoid lethal consequences.



Interview with a Physical Therapist 

Anjela Capangpangan

A Physical Therapist at NYC Health + Hospitals Carter

Anjela Physical Therapist Getting Vaccine
Physical Therapist Getting Vaccine

Can you speak about your experience during the early days of the pandemic and what precautions you took as a Physical Therapist in a hospital to make sure that you were safe?

When the pandemic started, our health care facility faced many challenges because not a lot of information was known about it. Our hospital strictly imposed hand washing and wearing masks. It was tricky because our patients are very vulnerable, with ages ranging from fifty to over a hundred. We had to be very careful. At one point, our facility has about 20% of our patients and staff tested positive for the Coronavirus.


How were you able to work with your COVID-19 positive patients? 

Our facility was cohorting patients wherein we placed COVID-19 positive patients in a separate unit. During their therapy sessions, we had our complete PPE gear on – gown, mask, face shield, gloves, etc. Our hospital conducted massive testing for both patients and staff. It was tough but wearing masks at work and in public, plus washing my hands constantly, were what kept me safe during the difficult times of the pandemic.


What are the best practices you can give other essential workers who are not in the medical industry but still need to continue to provide services to the public in order for them to stay safe?

I know it has been said so many times but wearing a mask and washing your hands were vert effective for me. Science supports and backs these practices. It sounds simple but it is very effective. When applicable and possible, social distancing should also be practiced. Another tip I will give, especially if your job requires you to touch many things and surfaces is to wear gloves, it minimizes direct contact. But wash your hands still! If you’re feeling sick, you should get tested right away to make sure you do not infect others around you.



Indulge Now helps prepare our service providers take their services straight to our indulgence seekers. With these tips and safety guidelines, your clients will be rest assured that they will not only get professional and meticulous beauty and grooming home-services, but your care and respect for their safety and health. A mutually beneficial recipe for your success!

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Steps of Becoming a Service Provider


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Cowritten: Thirdy Pilapil