Understanding Acupuncture


There’s so much more to acupuncture than what meets the eye. While having someone poke you with tiny needles may seem a bit scary, this ancient practice can actually do the body good. How? Well, acupuncturists carefully target acupuncture points with electrical stimulation to promote healing and overall well being. Believe it or not, acupuncture therapy is one of the best holistic stress-relievers for those who are feeling overworked, run down or in need of a boost. Here’s a closer look at acupuncture therapy and what makes it a popular stress-reliever.


What Is Acupuncture?

Used for centuries by Chinese healers, acupuncture is the art of carefully placing acupuncture needles to unblock obstructions to the body’s flow of energy. While acupuncturists typically target blockages have to do with stress, they can also use this form of needle therapy help improve the function of internal organs to treat hormonal imbalances and poor circulation.


What Does Acupuncture Do?

When used by energy healers and professional acupuncturists, the tiny needles used to perform acupuncture therapy naturally stimulate and invigorate the nervous system. Doing so has been shown to treat a number of ailments, including digestive orders such as chronic constipation and gastritis, respiratory disorders such as bronchitis and asthma and neurological disorders such as facial ticks, neuritis and migraines. Some studies have indicated it also helps those with reproductive problems, as it gently encourages blood flow to induce menstruation.


Can Acupuncture Relieve Stress?

Most commonly used as a stress-reliever, acupuncture therapy assists the body as it locates its natural state. After just one acupuncture session, you’ll find that you feel refreshed, revitalized and rejuvenated. You’ll also discover that your stress has magically melted away. Since it’s a drug-free stress-reliever, acupuncture therapy has been rendering remarkable results when it comes to treating those with mild cases of anxiety or depression.

If you’re looking for a way to relieve stress without medication, acupuncture therapy is the way to go. Don’t fear those needles. You’ll barely notice them. Schedule your appointment to experience first round of acupuncture therapy!

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