How to Celebrate Women’s Healthy Weight Day


Being thin isn’t always healthy. Unfortunately, many people believe that a healthy weight has to do with being skinny. Let’s face it – we’re all different, and we’re all beautiful in our own way. You might be taller or shorter and that creates different body types. We’re not all meant to look or weigh the same.

But healthy living isn’t so much about how much we weigh. We could weigh more than someone else but be healthier than that person. Women’s Healthy Weight Day aims to help remind us of this and celebrate our health in our own bodies the way they are meant to be.

Healthy weight is the natural weight for your body type in regards to height, size, and other factors. Being healthy for your weight means choosing a healthy diet, getting exercise, sleeping right, and managing your stress. This holiday is to help celebrate all our body types while encouraging our healthfulness with our lifestyles.

So, what can you do to celebrate your healthy weight?

  1. Exercise

You don’t need to run a marathon or go to the gym. Choose some kind of activity that keeps you moving for at least 2.5 hours per week, ideally more. Swim, dance, jump on a trampoline with your kids…just be active.

  1. Hydrate

Don’t forget to take care of you by staying hydrated. Dehydration can make us feel totally icky, plus it keeps our bodies from functioning optimally so drink that water!

  1. Sleep

You do NOT need to stay up watching another episode! Go to bed! That extra sleep will serve you well. Plus, no more bags under the eyes, don’t we want that?

  1. Learn how to breathe

Sit still and clear your mind while focusing on your breathing. You’ll re-center yourself and feel a huge difference in your stress level.

  1. Focus on the things you can change

There are some things in life you can’t change, but for everything you have the power over, change it. That means taking charge of your health and how you feel. You CAN change it. When you realize the power is in your hands, you’ll be successful in your goals.

  1. Get cooking

Find new recipes to make balanced and nutritious meals for yourself and those you love. Healthy food doesn’t mean boring and bland. Use fresh herbs to add more flavor without adding fat or calories.

  1. Try a new way to reward

Instead of rewarding yourself with pizza for hitting your weight loss goals, consider making a jar to save up with. Add a dollar every time you exercise and use that money to spend on a trip or a non-food treat just for yourself. Maybe a new outfit too!

Don’t forget to just live in the moment each day and think of how good the little things feel like the sun on your face, birds chirping in the trees or anything that makes you feel happy. It only takes seconds but focusing on these things will make you happier overall, and healthier too!

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