Welcome to “i Now”!


Welcome to “I Now”, an Indulge Now blog page!


I’d like to take a moment to give a little background on how “I Now” started and why. Before I started this blog, I was going through the motions of day-to-day life. I found myself in a situation similar to that of many other women, I had gotten married, given birth to a baby who I loved very much, but felt like something was missing.


While taking care of a newborn is important, I had found myself going way overboard. I had allowed my child to consume ALL of my time and attention. I started neglecting myself in every way imaginable. I pushed myself to the point of complete exhaustion, and in the process my health and beauty suffered. I knew I had to do something. I needed to take more “me time”. I craved doing something just for me. I came up with the mantra “I NOW’ and haven’t looked back since.


Instead of suffocating myself and feeling like I was on a one-way train to no-wheresville, I realized I could break free from my plight, and I could care for myself without my family suffering. I suddenly understood that taking care of me was taking care of my family, because when I’m not at my best neither can my family be


And out of that burning desire to create a better personal and family life, Project Yeti was launched. The name “Yeti” was derived from the ancient Himalayan Yeti myth, wherein giant furry creatures are said to roam the Himalayans. The Yeti is rarely seen by mountaineers because he spends most of his time in hibernation. While hibernating, the Yeti can’t look after his fur, leading to a smelly, disheveled mess of a creature. That’s exactly how I felt!


I didn’t want to be like the Yeti any longer, and so I decided to change my life, and hopefully in the process change the lives of others. I washed the dirt from my fur and started absorbing the beauty in my life, all the while feeling more confident in the face of the sometimes avalanches that rolled down the mountain of life towards me.


My goal through “I NOW” is to create a community of like-minded individuals where we share our stories, tips and advice on how we can maintain our health, confidence and self-esteem no matter what our daily lives are like. My blog promotes my personal mission of sharing the best possible guidance on all things personal well-being, happiness, and beauty via ‘me time’ and how to make that happen. I NOW means no excuses, put yourself first now. Don’t wait!


I sincerely hope that you come back to visit us often, learning from us and sharing your own tips and advice!



Darlina David (co-founder of Indulge Now)

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